Arrested For Shoplifting and Received a Civil Demand Letter While shoplifting may seem like a small crime, and not be considered one of the more serious crimes, shoplifting has always been treated as serious as larceny. Along with the charges of shoplifting, retail stores will often send a civil demand letter to you as part of the retribution for your crime. Shoplifting Is… Read More
What Are The Penalties For Shoplifting if Convicted? Shoplifting doesn’t seem like it would be that much of a problem, but it can have dire consequences that could end in jail time, forcing you to pay costly fees and even has the potential to make you lose your job. Having a criminal record will most often reduce many of your future professional opportunities.… Read More
Is “Stalking” Considered Domestic Violence? The term stalker is often thrown around as an almost endearing term to finding someone of interest and learning as much as possible about them. However, it becomes a much more serious offense when interest takes on a deeper, more intimidating attack. Let’s talk about the definition of stalking and how that relates to domestic… Read More
No Contact Orders (NCO) definition and consequences of violating No Contact Orders One of the most common domestic violence crimes committed in Washington is the abuse of a court-imposed No Contact Order. There are a variety of ways that this could be abused, but the simple fact is that No Contact Orders have a history of not being respected or adhered to. Types of No Contact… Read More
Can I Get My Record Expunged or Vacated? A question that may come up frequently when dealing with the repercussions of having a criminal record would be whether or not the record could be expunged or vacated. The legal definition to expunge a record is to destroy legally or strike off the record any files relating to a particular criminal conviction. To vacate… Read More
Is Speeding Reckless Driving? Reckless driving often times refers to the intention of disregarding the laws of the road and placing others in danger. Receiving a ticket for reckless driving happens when the rules of the road are disregarded, but doesn’t always mean there was an accident or damage caused. Because driving a vehicle can be dangerous in itself, most… Read More
Mandatory Arrest Laws Domestic violence continues to be an issue many people face on a daily basis. Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate age, race, religion, same sex or opposite sex relationships, female or even male. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, regardless of their professional or financial status, from the richest to the poorest. There are laws… Read More
Do threats without physical assault qualify as domestic violence? Domestic Violence is defined as intentional intimidation, physical assault or battery, or abusive behavior that happens within a home for the purpose of power or control over another. This can include physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse. Domestic Violence unfortunately has no limitations on who it can affect: male, female, old, young, rich, or poor.… Read More
Can a Person with Alzheimer’s or Dementia be Charged for Shoplifting? Alzheimer’s and dementia can change a person and cause him or her to behave in ways he or she never has never before acted. In the beginning you may notice your loved one begin acting more irritable, depressed, or anxious. While these behaviors may not point to Alzheimer’s or dementia, as the disease progresses, they… Read More
Stores that offer “the deal” – either pay, or they will call the police Imagine you’re shopping in your favorite store, browsing the latest trends, when suddenly you’re surrounded by security, and being asked to come with them. As authorities lead you away, you are confused and unsure of what is happening. People are staring. Then you realize that you’re being accused of shoplifting. Pay or Get Arrested You are escorted… Read More