How Can Juveniles Avoid Formal Adjudications In Washington? Juvenile criminal process differs from that in adult criminal courts. Rather than findings of guilt producing convictions, juvenile judgements produce “adjudication” of criminal liability. Further differentiating the two processes is the fact that some criminal charges against juveniles can be handled entirely outside of the legal system by a process for dealing with accused juveniles… Read More
My Home Has Been Burglarized, Now What? Suffering from a burglary to one’s home can be a very traumatic and demoralizing event. Families can lose not only a sense of security in their own homes but also priceless heirlooms. Proper measures taken both before and after the fact can help to ameliorate loss, achieve justice, and restore peace of mind for victims… Read More
Penalties for Forging Prescriptions in Washington State Under Washington law, RCW 9A.60.020 establishes that a “person is guilty of forgery if, with intent to injure or defraud: he or she falsely makes, completes, or alters a written instrument or; he or she possesses, utters, offers, disposes of, or puts off as true a written instrument which he or she knows to be… Read More
The Police Took Contraband from My Car; Can They Use It Against Me In Court? The 1981 case, Belton v New York, established that police may conduct a search of a vehicle in conjunction with the arrest of an occupant of the vehicle, and that all evidence seized in such a search was admissible in court. The fact that an occupant of the vehicle was arrested and the search was… Read More
Understanding DUI to Avoid It Most motorists in the State of Washington understand that if they drive while under the influence of a sufficient amount of alcohol, they are subject to violations for DUI. However, many people find themselves surprised to face arrest and DUI charges for seemingly innocuous acts. Insidious Nature of Alcohol One of the dangers of alcohol… Read More
Domestic Violence: Emergency Protection Orders and Restraining Orders Domestic violence tends to be the majority of reasons that emergency protection orders and restraining orders are requested. If a relationship has gotten to the point of needing continual intervention, it is imperative to use the tools at your disposal to assure your continued safety. Restraining Order Definition and Use A restraining order is given… Read More
Top Signs of Domestic Violence Domestic abuse is a very real problem in our society. There are some obvious physical signs of domestic violence, but there are often more underlying signs of domestic violence or the potential for violence. Many times these symptoms are overlooked, excused, or denied. says that domestic abuse, also known as spousal abuse, “occurs when… Read More
Different Forms of Domestic Violence Domestic violence is a sobering problem in the United States. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence states that “every 9 seconds in the US, a woman is assaulted or beaten and that on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to… Read More
Shoplifting Charges in Washington Shoplifting has had some big names associated with it lately, and the criminals with star status are just as subject to the repercussions of their poor choices as anyone else. In Washington, there is the potential to incur fines, face jail time and additional somber penalties. Not only do you now have to face the criminal… Read More
Reckless Driving Penalties & Consequences in Washington State Washington State has instilled reckless driving penalties and consequences that need to be upheld in order to remove any risk of tickets, lost time behind the wheel, steep financial penalties and even time in jail. What is Reckless Driving? Reckless driving is described by the Washington State Legislature as, “Any person who drives any vehicle… Read More